El Download del Día
"O Superman", de Laurie Anderson.
El tema es sencillamente genial. Se estrenó en 1981 (era parte de una aobra conceptual de Anderson que duraba 4 horas) y en UK se convirtió en un hit, a pesar de su enfoque experimental del pop, su atmósfera inquietante y su letra futurista pseudo apocalíptica.
Lo más raro es que en una parte del tema la mina canta algo que se podría considerar premonitorio del 11 de septiembre (más teniendo en cuenta que la mina era parte de la vanguardia neoyorquina). Aparte elk tema es estremecedor.... es como cuando vez en las películas que los humanos se extinguieron y quedan unos robots "jugando" a ser como nosotros... totalmente perturbador.
Les dejo la letra entera y les recomiendo que lo bajen.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
Hi. I'm not home right now. But if you want to leave a
message, just start talking at the sound of the tone.
Hello? This is your Mother. Are you there? Are you
coming home?
Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me,
but I know you.
And I've got a message to give to you.
Here come the planes.
So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come
as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go.
And I said: OK. Who is this really? And the voice said:
This is the hand, the hand that takes. This is the
hand, the hand that takes.
This is the hand, the hand that takes.
Here come the planes.
They're American planes. Made in America.
Smoking or non-smoking?
And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds.
'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice.
And when justive is gone, there's always force.
And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom!
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms.
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